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[2015 Most Popular] Known for its High Quality - METABUILD 'MESIM CIP'
The MESIM CIP (Cloud Integration Platform) is a product that links, integrates, and shares the internal and external software (SW) and service SW of the cloud system. It extends the existing SOA-based integration and messaging channel integration platform known as 'MESIM ESB' to the cloud environment.

The MESIM ESB is an international standard open architecture. It provides several standards such as UDDI, JMS, CEP, IoT, and Web services and enhance development convenience with pre-installed adapters. In addition, It provides a service orchestration tool that facilitates the development of new services, and a UDDI service repository for sharing services. The Ministry of Knowledge Economy (now The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) awarded 'Korea SW Company Award' for its excellent performance, quality and technical service.

The MESIM CIP makes it easy to link or integrate public clouds, private clouds, and enterprise systems. SaaS applications provided by various cloud services such as the IoT integration platform and Big Data are also targeted.  all adapters are pre-installed basically. When new requirements arise or are changed, they can be optimized with linkage analysis tools and development tools. It is supplied to the areas where new technology needs to be vertically or horizontally linked and integrated in. Existing messaging-based EAI products or SOA-based ESB products have integrated or connected server systems. The MESIM CIP supports a hybrid architecture for public cloud and private cloud connections. Also supports the SaaS applications and existing legacy applications integration.

Based on this, it is applied to the next generation government 3.0 systems such as defense, finance, transportation, manufacturing, aviation and urban areas. It has expanded the domestic and overseas IoT market by incorporating convergence technology including Smart City Integration Platform, Road Detection Radar System, Unmanned Aircraft Control Center, and so on. More than 2500 corporate customers show and secure the reliability of the product.

METABUILD company officials said, "MESIM CIP is a product that can strengthen the shared and collaborative system that integrates cloud, integration, IoT and big data technology to improve the productivity of innovative IT technology in the field of government 3.0" "We will increase the number of domestic application examples, and we will pursue exports,"​