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Metabuild Wins Ministerial Award of the Korea Ministry of Science and ICT

2020 글로벌 상용SW명품대전이 6일 서울 양재동 엘타워에서 열렸다. 왼쪽부터 홍승모 전자신문 이사, 송경희 과학기술정보통신부 SW정책관, 김지섭 토마토시스템 부사장, 여범수 대흥정보 대표, 조풍연 메타빌드 대표, 유병선 크리니티 대표, 송영선한국상용SW협회장, 신제수 공공부문발주자협의회장. 박지호기자


"2020 Global Commercial SW Awards" ... Metabuild Wins Ministerial Award of the Korea Ministry of Science and ICT


​Metabuild won the '2020 Global Commercial Software (SW) Award' awarded by the Korean Minister of Science and ICT.


The Korea Commercial SW Association held the "2020 Global Commercial SW Awards" at the El Tower in Yangjae-dong, Seoul on the 6th.

The Global Commercial SW Awards and Awards ceremony selects and awards excellent quality commercial SW developed in Korea that can compete with global products. The Korea Commercial SW Association has held the event every year since 2015 to contribute to the development of the Korean SW industry by promoting them widely.


Metabuild MESIM ESB, which won the Korea Minister of Science and ICT Award, is an artificial intelligence (AI) data collection, connection, integration, distribution, and quality management platform. It is applied to various fields such as smart administration, education, defense, finance, city, transportation, and medical care and has been recognized for its technological excellence. It is being actively used as it is applied to the next-generation systems of local education finance, national defense integration, airport integration, medical care, and credit card big data platform businesses. It was selected as a flagship operator of the National Health Insurance Service and laid the foundation of business for AI care assessment, nutrition, exercise and disease prevention, nursing facilities and product recommendation services, and health care businesses. In recognition of its technological excellence and various use cases, it received the Minister of Science and ICT Award.​


Published: 6 November, 2020
