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[Softwave 2023] SME SW companies armed with 'specialized AI services'

대한민국 대표 소프트웨어·정보통신기술 비즈니스 박람회 소프트웨이브 2023이 29일 서울 강남구 코엑스에서 열렸다. 참관객이 메타빌드의 디지털휴먼 라이브 서비스 'R2MIX'를 체험하고 있다.이동근기자


[Softwave 2023] Mid-sized and small and medium-sized SW companies armed with 'specialized AI services'


Small and medium-sized software (SW) companies are armed with specialized AI services that utilize their own LLM, generative artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual human. Softwave 2023 introduced various AI solutions ranging from solutions in the corporate and public sectors to customized services for video creators.


Metabuild, which participated as the largest booth at the exhibition, introduced its own ultra-large language model called "LLaMON." LLaMON is an ultra-large language model specializing in counseling, summary, and emotion analysis. "LLaMON is LLM specializing in counseling and emotion, not general-purpose Generative AI services such as ChatGPT," said Park Jae-hyung, head of Metabuild SW research division. "We learned 2 billion corpuscles for emotion."


R2MIX, a digital human service, combines virtual human and LLM technologies. You can create your own virtual human and use it in areas such as video production and live streaming. Metabuild partner Chilloen introduced "KEENEAT," an AI-based background music generation service for content creators. When the user chose the length, genre, speed, and instrument composition, music tailored to his or her preference was created right away.


Published: 29 Nov, 2023
